Wednesday, May 14, 2008

emotions and time

Time is something that I could think about all day... the different ways to perceive it and what benefits or limitations it creates. Time affects everything.

What I was most intrigued by is the concept of human perception of time due to the emotional factors of a given span of time. When things are pleasant, fun or exciting the human perception of time is at a more rapid pace. On the flip side when things are unpleasant, boring or negative time is perceived in a very slow rate. With this in mind, I am curious how a viewer would perceive time if a series of images were shown at different time rates and contain content to prompt different emotional responses. To clarify that, my idea is to have a dozen images displayed in a series to the viewer. The negative images would be displayed in a more rapid pace while the positive images will be displayed at a slower rate. Will the viewer still perceive time as slower with negative and faster with positive? If the rate is set to be more random will this affect perception.

This is where I would like to direct my focus for our second project.

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